This Separates the Dreamers from the Activators

This Separates the Dreamers from the Activators

Well I told you that the next post would be around a concept that really separates those that think about it from those that act on it….from those that dream about tomorrow to those that actually take the steps to create and live into that tomorrow. The difference says research is what is being called grit! I know, sounds too pedestrian for someone to do research on doesn’t it? But they are!

Wildly better with an RDF

Wildly better with an RDF

I have had the opportunity to spend time since the beginning of the year with a couple different groups of entrepreneurial start-ups, a start up community, and a group of people getting ready to launch businesses. I want to make some observations that might help you recalibrate your current sights and strategies. I work every day of my life with clients, be they personal one on one or organizations from small to rather sizable -- I am seeing more and more quickly they fit into one of two categories.

Jump the Rut!

Jump the Rut!

The truth is most of us have settled for mediocre.
We are content with average.
Unremarkable is fine.
Ho-Hum our soup du jour.
I was reminded this week working with a leader and his team that rhythms become routines and if we are not careful routines become ruts.

Life-Craft through 10,000

Life-Craft through 10,000

In my last post we discussed how installing routines might be one of the most important things we can do to see potential changes emerge into reality. As a coach I help people think about what it means for them to show up with an epic life a life that really makes history.

Mastering Installation

Mastering Installation

In the last decade I have had nearly 100 different coaching clients.  Some of them are working on solid developmental issues over a year or two, others simply working on transition in life issues that might span a few months. Whether they are eye surgeons or school superintendent, C-Suite executives or non-profits leaders, the fundamental issues are often similar: how do we focus our energy to create the change we want to experience! Diffuse energy might be one of the single greatest deterrents to accomplishment!